Helping others to make a better world 🌎

 I remember when I was in high school, we were requested to do volunteering activities as a class. My classmates and I chose to visit an old people's home in front of the school. 

We provided them food, did fun activities for them and they talked about their lives. I loved going to this place because the elderly people were very happy during that moment, they were listened to and they were enjoying a good time.

In Chile the situation of many elderly people is very sad, because many of them feel lonely, and doing this type of activities I feel is a form of giving them company.

As a future journalist I want to do more activities of this type, to make people know about different situations that are often ignored. It is very important to make them known in this way in order to make a positive change.

At the time I did the activity with the elderly, but I hope that in the future I can do it again and make other situations visible.  


  1. I love when these initiatives arise in schools, because it’s a way in which boys and girls are taught to be supportive and generate positive generational changes. Also, to contribute to those who are invisible to society, such as the elderly people you visited. The activities that your class did make it clear that moment of happiness can be delivered with just gestures and nothing material.

  2. Hi!! Journalism is so beautiful when it comes to helping people, because we can be the voices to the people in need, and as you said, to make others know about situations that they ignore.


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